Mayor’s Invitation

Dear Constituents,
In the last year and a half since the election I have been incredibly busy as
your mayor working on village initiatives, and along with the hard work of
council we are trying our best to further our community on many levels.
Together with staff we have made some good strides and have many
incredible initiatives planned for the future.
This in mind I realise that I ran my campaign as having an open door policy for
people to come talk to me, and let me know what we are doing right, what we
are doing wrong, and to additionally share ideas that may benefit everyone.
There have been quite a few of you that have taken the initiative to contact me
to share your thoughts or concerns. I absolutely appreciate those phone calls
and meetings!
Moving forward I would like to take this opportunity to invite all members of
the community to a more formal opportunity to “Meet with the Mayor”.
Although I am always available to take a call, I would like to invite people to
meet with me if wanted every second Monday of the month. I am open to
book meetings from 9:00am to 11:00am on those days, as we also have
Regular Meetings of Council on those Mondays in the evening. Please reach
out to me by email or phone and I will look forward to setting up a time and a
place that works for both of us.
Karl Sterzer
The Village of Canal Flats